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ID TR10428 . Herbert Goh edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10428 Herbert Goh Mobile Phone: 94377715 Age: 45
Status ACTIVE Category: Current Teacher Street: Choa Chu Kang Central
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 18 Postal Code: 680206
Date of Birth: 3/3/1980 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S8006371G Occupation: Region: West,North West

Rates Subjects
Primary- Maths,Science
Level Results School Attended
Degree BSc (Maths) with hons, 2007, Education, Honours None


I am currently teaching in Unity Primary School.
Proficient in teaching Maths and Science.
Focus: Examinations-oriented.
All necessary materials like exam papers will be provided.
Schools Taught: Nan Hua Primary School and Rulang Primary School.
Training: BSc (Hons) in Mathematics.


ID TR10427 . Sudhaghar Jayaraman edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10427 Sudhaghar Jayaraman Mobile Phone: 93534415 Age: 46
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: bishan st 22
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Indian Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 570247
Date of Birth: 10/13/1979 Home Phone: 64556561 Email:
NRIC number: s7933035c Occupation: Region: Central,North East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Maths
Primary- English,Maths,Science
O level- English,L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Physics/Chem
A level- Maths,Physics
IB / IGCSE- Mathematics,Mathematical Studies,Physics,Chemistry
Diploma / Degree- Mathematics,Applied Mathematics,Physics
Level Results School Attended
PSLE braddell primary
Degree bachelor of science, 2007, nanotechnology None


I taught mainly for Secondary level and was a relief teacher for maths and science.


ID TR10425 . Favian Koh edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10425 Favian Koh Mobile Phone: 91792875 Age: 40
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: Blk 335 Woodlands St 32
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit: 05-47
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 13 Postal Code: 730335
Date of Birth: 12/2/1985 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S8537163J Occupation: Region: Central,North,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
O level- A Maths
A level- Maths
Level Results School Attended
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2003  GP - B4,Economics - A,AO Chin - B3,Maths C - A,Physics - BGeneral Paper - YJC, AO Chinese - 2003, None
Degree Bachelor of Computing (Communications and Media), 2012 None


Institution: National University of Singapore (NUS)
Course Attended : Bachelor of Computing (Communications and Media)

A Level
General Paper - B4, Chinese - B3, C Maths - A, Economics - A, Physics - B

I have given tuition since I was an undergrad, doing it as a side-income and took students based on my University schedule. In fact in Secondary School when I was taking A and E Maths as a current student (not having experience above these subject levels), I gave the occasional small class (for free) to help out my friends and peers who were having trouble with it. One of them went from a D7 to C6 to a B3. Another also went from a C6 to a B3. I knew at that time already that I must be doing something right as I could see their marked improvement based on a few sessions.

My experience in C Maths will further enhance what I already am good at because as we know C Maths is one notch above A and E Maths in terms of difficulty. During the final paper for GCE A Level, I finished the paper 40 minutes ahead of time and had time to run 2 full checks on my solutions. I can't be sure what the final marks were but I was so confident then that I was close to getting full marks, otherwise securing full marks for the paper. This experience just adds to my confidence.


I am currently a full-time tutor, and I strive to help students to improve in Maths and hopefully also ignite their interest in Maths. Of course the ultimate aim is to achieve good grades, which is very possible, so that they can move up to higher institutions of learning. I always believe that as a tutor I must give a good effort for every lesson, and also to teach properly and sincerely, just like how I hope I would be taught if I were in the student's shoes.

The good thing about Maths is that the results are so much more in our control, the teacher as well as the student. This is because unlike other subjects like say English, the marking criteria for Maths are pretty much rigid. In other words if your steps or workings are correct, which usually means your final answer is also correct, then you have to be awarded full marks for that. For subjects like English, the marking depends a lot on the marker, it is subjective, therefore you can only do so much. But for Maths, things are in your hands! So just make sure that we are right, you are right, and there's our A!

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View Cert 3

ID TR10424 . Jolene Koo edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10424 Jolene Koo Mobile Phone: 93399851 Age: 32
Status ACTIVE Category: Poly Student Street: Lorong Limau
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 320076
Date of Birth: 8/27/1993 Home Phone: - Email:
NRIC number: S9330948J Occupation: Region: Central,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary- Chinese,Maths,Science
O level- Chinese,L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,Chemistry,Biology,Bio/Chem
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - B, Malay - A, Maths - B, Phonics - B, Balestier Hill Primary



ID TR10423 . Soh Huey Sien edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10423 Soh Huey Sien Mobile Phone: 98288600 Age: 55
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: Yio Chu Kang Rd
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: #03-74
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 20 Postal Code: 787084
Date of Birth: 10/23/1970 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S7037832I Occupation: Region: North,North East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Chinese,Maths
Primary- English,Chinese,Maths
Level Results School Attended
A Level Year Taken A Level - 1988  AO Maths - C,Economics - C,AO Chin - B,Physics - OGeneral Paper - SAJC, AO Chinese - 1988, None


I have been tutoring P1-5 all subjects for about 10 years. Recent students from Ai Tong, Anderson, St Nicks.
