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ID TR10444 . Brandon Tan Zhiming edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10444 Brandon Tan Zhiming Mobile Phone: 96602646 Age: 31
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: JALAN KELEMPONG
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit: 2
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 509521
Date of Birth: 11/29/1994 Home Phone: 64833046 Email:
NRIC number: S9447356Z Occupation: Region: East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Maths
Primary- English,Maths,Science
O level- English,L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Chemistry
A level- General Paper,Maths,Chemistry,Economics
Music- Piano
Language- English
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A*, Malay - A, Maths - A*, Phonics - A*, HOUGANG PRIMARY
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2013  H2 Maths - A,H2 Econs - A,H3 Maths - MERIT,H2 Bio - B,H2 Chem - A,GP - AGeneral Paper - RJC, AO Chinese - 2013, None


I taught 1 year in a tuition centre for maths.
Currently, I have 5 students, 4 are in Sec 4 doing E and A maths and they are from Presbytarian High, ACS i, St andrews sec school.
1 is a JC student whom I am teaching H2 maths.
I will be going to NUS Law in 2015.
PSLE : English - A* , Chinese - A , Maths - A* , Science - A*
RJC IP, A level : H2 Maths - A , H2 Econs - A , H3 Maths - MERIT , H2 Bio - B , H2 Chem - A , GP - A


ID TR10443 . Muhammad Fauzi Bin Mohamed Basir edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10443 Muhammad Fauzi Bin Mohamed Basir Mobile Phone: 91503907 Age: 37
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: Admiralty LINK
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit: 06-05
Race: Malay Year of Experience: 14 Postal Code: 750482
Date of Birth: 2/21/1988 Home Phone: 65555072 Email:
NRIC number: S8805023A Occupation: Region: North

Rates Subjects
O level- E Maths,A Maths
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - B, Maths - A*, Science - A, Phonics - B, AHMAD IBRAHIM PRI
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2006  General Paper - SRJC, AO Chinese - 2006, None
Degree Electrical And Electronics engineering, 2013, bachelor None


4 years of private tutoring and 2 years of Mendaki tutoring


Im a full time tutor and im very flexible with hours

ID TR10442 . Esther Leong edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10442 Esther Leong Mobile Phone: 96167784 Age: 59
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: 4563 fajar rd
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: 03-708
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 20 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 7/9/1966 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s1756654h Occupation: Region: North West

Rates Subjects
Primary- English,Maths,Science
Level Results School Attended


I tutored P1-6 ems for about 25 years fulltime.


ID TR10441 . Deepa d/o Pannirselvam edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10441 Deepa d/o Pannirselvam Mobile Phone: 91540791 Age: 38
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: 67 telok blangah drive
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: 13-216
Race: Indian Year of Experience: 17 Postal Code: 100067
Date of Birth: 10/24/1987 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s8733651d Occupation: Region: Central,South

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Maths
Primary- English,Maths
O level- L. Sec Science,Biology
Level Results School Attended


I taught as an enrichment course teacher for 7 years and home tutored about 4 years.



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ID TR10440 . Chua Jun Hao edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10440 Chua Jun Hao Mobile Phone: 97299144 Age: 31
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: ANCHORVALE LINK
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 542302
Date of Birth: 7/14/1994 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s9424316e Occupation: Region: North East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 25
Primary 4-6 - 30
Secondary 1-2 - 35
Secondary 3-4 - 45
Primary- Chinese,Maths,Science
O level- Chinese,L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A, Phonics - A, YUMIN PRIMARY SCHOOL
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2013  H2 Phy - A,H2 Maths - A,H2 Econs - A,H2 Chem - A,GP - DGeneral Paper - NYJC, AO Chinese - 2013, None


I have a couple of tutoring experience when i was in secondary school and through volunteering programmes in junior college. My secondary school started out this scheme where i had the chance to tutor a school-mate for mathematics. Although we were not familiar with each other, the interaction went really well and it was satisfying to witness the gradual improvement in his grades. This scheme benefited me too as i took the chance to revise on my work as i taught my men-tee in details. Next, the volunteering programme involved a group of us whereby we provided free tuition services for the students coming from families facing financial difficulties. My method of teaching them was not only through content knowledge but, tips and skills of studying efficiently. This aided them to learn faster and it was really meaningful to participate in this particular programme.


I am able to start from January 2015 on-wards. Will provide prompt updates whenever i am unavailable.