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View Cert 1

ID TR10375 . Brandon yeo edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10375 Brandon yeo Mobile Phone: 98439783 Age: 32
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Woodlands Dr 62
Gender: Male Qualifications: Diploma Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 12 Postal Code: 731682
Date of Birth: 7/26/1993 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S9325666B Occupation: Region: Central,North,North West

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 30
Primary 4-6 - 30
Secondary 1-2 - 30
Secondary 3-4 - 30
JC1 - 35
JC2 - 35
Primary- Maths,Science
O level- L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Accounting
Diploma / Degree- Finance,Accounting
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A*, Phonics - A*, Anderson Primary School
Diploma Accountancy, 1980 None


I have experience tutoring secondary school students during my polytechnic days. I will be going to NTU Accountancy in 2015.
One student was a Sec 4 girl whom I tutored 'O' level accounting, and we managed to get her grades up from a 'C5' during prelims to an 'A2' for her 'O' levels over the course of 1yr+ of tuition. She is now a Year 2 accountancy student at a local polytechnic and doing well, achieving a cum GPA of >3.5
Another student was a Sec 3 boy whom I tutored 'O' level Emath and Amath. He started off with a 'B4' and 'D7' in Emath and Amath respectively for his first class test, but after tutoring him for about 1.5yrs, he managed to score an 'A1' and 'B3' for Emath and Amath respectively for his 'O' levels. He is now studying in a reputable JC and preparing for his 'A' levels, of which H2 Math is one of his subjects.


Able to start ASAP until 2018. No commitments at the moment.


TR10372 MICHELLE JULIUS Mobile Phone: 84845403 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: 21 Kent Ridge Crescent
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 14 Postal Code: 119280
Date of Birth: 10/22/1990 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S9075868C Occupation: Student Region: West,South,North,North West

Rates Subjects
Primary- Maths,Science
O level- L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Physics,Chemistry
Level Results School Attended
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2009  H2 Phy - B,H2 Maths - A,H2 Econs - D,H2 Chem - C,GP - EGeneral Paper - AJC, AO Chinese - 2009, None
Degree Engineering Science Program, 2014, 3.83 None


I have almost 4 years of experience in teaching both E-Math and A-Math, Chemistry and lower Sec Physics from Secondary 1 to Secondary 4 students, recent student from Nan Hua Sec school.
After giving tuition to them, their grades improved from fail to B and A range.
I am doing my final year in NUS in 2014.


I can start immediately and will be able to commit to it until the end of the year. I would be going for a short trip in June

ID TR10371 . jorinda hsu edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10371 jorinda hsu Mobile Phone: 90188848 Age: 31
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: serangoon ave 1
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 550402
Date of Birth: 12/17/1994 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s9447873a Occupation: bank officer Region: Central,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 18-20
Primary 4-6 - 20-25
Secondary 1-2 - 25-30
Primary- Maths,Science
O level- L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Tamil - merit, Maths - A, Phonics - A, maha bohdi


i have tutored my cousins respectively primary 5 and primary 4. both of them had difficulties in science and couldnt pass their examiniations. after tutoring them for a year, they manage to grow a profound intrest for the subject and improved to band 2 for both students.


i can start asap and will be able to do so till august.
tuition timing would preferably be on a weekday night after 7pm or saturdays and sunday.

ID TR10370 . Lim Chang Shi edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10370 Lim Chang Shi Mobile Phone: 94493974 Age: 32
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Tampines Street 22
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit: #07-26
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 12 Postal Code: 520272
Date of Birth: 6/15/1993 Home Phone: 67863501 Email:
NRIC number: S9320404B Occupation: Undergraduate Region: East,North East

Rates Subjects
O level- Physics,Physics/Chem
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A, Phonics - A, ChongZheng Primary
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2011  H1 Econs - C,H2 Phy - A,H2 Maths - A,H2 Chem - A,GP - AGeneral Paper - MJC, AO Chinese - 2011, None


I am an undergraduate giving PURE PHYSICS Tuition at EAST SIDE only.
I'm currently a scholarship holder.
Scored A for H2 Physics.
I was a MOE Teaching Intern for 3months
2 Years of Teaching Physics Tuition.
Lesson Outline
I will go through the content of each lessons.
Followed by examples to try.
Homework for practice. (The workload will vary so that it will not interfere with schoolwork).
Occasional Consolidation Quizzes for recap.
Tutee can also decide on how they want each lesson is about.
Resources are mainly provided by me.
Other Information
Sec 3/4 Students are welcomed
Rates will be cheaper for group sessions.
I had 2 tutees, Pure and Combined Physics. Manage to improve their grades from C6 to B3 and A2 respectively during O Levels.


I can start immediately and will tutor the child till graduation.
I am available on Whatsapp or SMS if the child needs immediate assistance as well.

View Cert 1

View Cert 2

ID TR10369 . Carine Ng edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR10369 Carine Ng Mobile Phone: 92265777 Age: 30
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Bedok reservoir view
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: 14-02
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 478927
Date of Birth: 3/24/1995 Home Phone: 92265777 Email:
NRIC number: S9510535z Occupation: Microsoft Region: East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Chinese,Maths,Phonics
Primary- English,Chinese,Maths,Science,Phonics,Higher Chinese,Art
O level- English,Chinese,L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Chemistry,Biology,Bio/Chem,Geography,Geo/S.Studies,Higher Chinese
Special Skills- Integrated Programme
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Tamil - A, Maths - A, Phonics - A, Red swastika school
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2013  General Paper - TJC, AO Chinese - 2013, None


Experience with teaching a sec 2 boy English and math.
Experience with teaching IP Dunman high year 1 chemistry/science.
