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I need a tutor with the following criterias:

Gender Preference:
Race Preference: Any
Tutor Category: All
Poly Student
Part-Time Tutor
Full-Time Tutor
NIE Trainee
Current Teacher
Area: All
Age Range: Min Age Max Age

ID TR1969 . yeo wei qiang edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR1969 yeo wei qiang Mobile Phone: 96456620 Age: 36
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Not given
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 6/8/1989 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s8836993i Occupation: student Region: Central,East,South,North West

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Chinese,Maths
Primary- Chinese,Maths,Higher Chinese
O level- Chinese
Level Results School Attended



ID TR1968 . Sharon Teo Teng Lai edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR1968 Sharon Teo Teng Lai Mobile Phone: 91795766 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Block 321A Anchorvale Drive #08-18
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 13 Postal Code: 541321
Date of Birth: 6/8/1990 Home Phone: 64896196 Email:
NRIC number: S8990405F Occupation: Student Region: North East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Maths
Primary- Maths,Science
O level- English,L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science
Level Results School Attended


I have been giving tuition part-time for 3 years, teaching mainly Upper Primary English, Math and Science. My current student improved her Math score from a Fail in P4 to 56 in P5 Mid-Year Exam and 69 in P5 End-of-Year Exam.

The specific levels and subjects I have taught before are:
- P6 EMS
- P6 Math & Sci
- P5 Math (3 students)
- P4 English
- P3 English
- P2 English
- Sec 1 EMS
- Sec 2 EMS
English-A1,Chinese-A1,HIgher Chinese-A2,E Math-A1,A Math-A1,Combined Humanities -A1,Pure Geography -A1,Chemistry-A2,Biology-A2,Physics-B3General Paper-B,Math-A,Chemistry-A,Biology-B,Economics -A


I am keen to take up assignments with frequencies of 2 hrs each lesson.

I only have 1 student currently thus timing is mostly flexible except for school commitments.

ID TR1967 . Roy Tong edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR1967 Roy Tong Mobile Phone: 98932540 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: 6 Indus Road Emerald Park Tower 1 01-03
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 169588
Date of Birth: 6/8/1990 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S9025454E Occupation: Pre tertiary student Region: Central,West,South,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English
O level- English,History,Literature,Social Studies,Hist/S.Studies
A level- General Paper,History
Level Results School Attended


I have most recently finished my National Service and waiting for university to begin in September.

I graduated from St Andrews Junior College with the following grades : General Paper (B), Literature in English (B), History (B), Economics (B). I have a place in SMU, Bachelor of Business Management.

Despite having a place in a local university in a respectable course, I am currently waiting for results of my application to universities and colleges in United Kingdom and the United States.

I was a Ministry of Education English, History and Social Studies relief teacher at Bukit Merah Secondary School, teaching students who were in Sec 1, 3 and 4 from January 2009 till April 2009 during my pre-enlistment period for National Service.
My commitment was evident in staying back after school to give interested students extra remedial and supplementary lessons .

During the same period of time before my enlistment, I also was a freelance tuition teacher for Junior College level H2 History and H2 Economics. I tutored juniors from the same Junior College and I feel that my ability to retain content and knowledge from my Junior College days and create effective strategies to tackle questions was demonstrated by me moving up from 2 students to 5, through recommendations of my first students. I am also proud to say that all my students that i tutored in H2 History received an A grade in their A level examinations.

I will be able to start asap, and continue till the end of the current school year or even into the new school year despite my university beginning in August-September. The exception would be that if I decide to pursue my university education abroad, but I would like to stress that I would ensure that my students would be aptly prepared for whatever examinations he/she would be taking after my absence. English-A1,Literature in English-B3,History/Social Studies-A2,Mathematics-B3,Physics-B4,Chemistry/Biology-B3General Paper-B,Economics-B,History-B,Literature in English-B,Mathematics -C


ID TR1966 . Natalie Kerh En Li edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR1966 Natalie Kerh En Li Mobile Phone: 97254729 Age: 40
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: Blk 554 Jurong West St 42 #06-349
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 16 Postal Code: 640554
Date of Birth: 6/9/1985 Home Phone: 65647969 Email:
NRIC number: S8437355I Occupation: Financial Consultant Region: West

Rates Subjects
O level- L. Sec Maths
Level Results School Attended


English-B3,Chinese -A1,A Maths-A2,E Maths-A2,Chemistry-B3,Physics-B3,Geography-B3GP-B3,Chinese-A1,Chemistry-C,Physics-D,Maths-C


ID TR1965 . xi wei edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR1965 xi wei Mobile Phone: 81826825 Age: 32
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: 60 jalan mata ayer northwood #05-11
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 759158
Date of Birth: 6/7/1993 Home Phone: 67624231 Email:
NRIC number: s9271548e Occupation: 0 Region: Central,North,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- Chinese,Maths
Primary- Chinese,Maths,Science,Higher Chinese
O level- Chinese,L. Sec Science,Higher Chinese
Level Results School Attended

