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I need a tutor with the following criterias:

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Race Preference: Any
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Poly Student
Part-Time Tutor
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NIE Trainee
Current Teacher
Area: All
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ID TR3470 . Nur Huda Affindi edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR3470 Nur Huda Affindi Mobile Phone: 97581406 Age: 41
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: Not given
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Malay Year of Experience: 19 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 6/7/1984 Home Phone: Email: 632test@tutorcity
NRIC number: Not given Occupation: Preschool principle Region: Central,East,West,South,North,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Malay,Maths,Creative Writing,Phonics
Primary- English,Malay,Maths,Creative Writing,Phonics
Level Results School Attended
Degree Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood with focus on literacy skills, 1980 -


Currently teaching:
- an expat family of 3 tutees in Kindergarten, Grade 3 and grade 5)
- Group tuition with 3 N1 English and Math
- 2 K1 and 1 K2 English and math
Her strength is English (reading, writing and phonetic skills)

Teaching and LeadershipPreschool teacher


ID TR3469 . Hong Yi Shuen edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR3469 Hong Yi Shuen Mobile Phone: 97581909 Age: 34
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Not given
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 6/2/1991 Home Phone: Email: 633test@tutorcity
NRIC number: Not given Occupation: Region: Central,East,West,South,North,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
O level- L. Sec Maths,E Maths,A Maths,Chemistry
A level- Maths,Chemistry
Level Results School Attended


I am currently taking a degree in Pharmacy NUS. Teaching 3 JC2 students from AJC and HCI. I specialise in tutoring JC maths and chemistry for the past 2 years.
I was the top student from Hwa Chong Prelim exams and consistently the top 5 students in Hwa Chong for H2 Chemistry. I scored A for H2 Chem and disticnction for H3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
O level-All As for triple science, e/a maths, geog, higher chinese, SS/History
A level- A for H2 Econs, Maths, Chem and Biology. Distinction for H3 Pharmaceutical Chem


ID TR3468 . Jingsheng edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR3468 Jingsheng Mobile Phone: 97599184 Age: 39
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: Tampines
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 14 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 6/7/1986 Home Phone: Email: 634test@tutorcity
NRIC number: Not given Occupation: Region: East

Rates Subjects
O level- L. Sec Maths,E Maths,A Maths
Level Results School Attended


Bach of engineering


ID TR3467 . Cai Zhe Hong edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR3467 Cai Zhe Hong Mobile Phone: 97624492 Age: 39
Status ACTIVE Category: Ex-Teacher Street: Bishan - Driving
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 15 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 6/7/1986 Home Phone: Email: 635test@tutorcity
NRIC number: Not given Occupation: Region: Central,East,West,South,North,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
O level- English,Social Studies
Level Results School Attended


Updated on 19/3/2017
*Able to present NIE cert on the first lesson for verification* - Can send via whatsapp and verifiable with NIE and NUS office of student affairs
1) Currently with 19 tutees. Almost all in secondary 1 to 5. Teaching them english
2) Ex teacher at Bishan Park Sec where he taught Sec 2 to 5 English and social studies
3) proven Track records on
I was teaching in Bishan Park Sec school for English and Social Studies.
I am leaving MOE in Dec 2010 to be a fulltime private tutor. In total I have 2 yrs teaching and 5 yrs pte tuition experience. I currently have 20 plus students on Sec 1-4 level English which are using the revised syllabus.
My testimonials/feedback:
C6 to A1 in 10 months: Hui Xin was struggling slightly with English at 34th percentile. In 10 months of tuition, she improved her language skills to score A1 in English at O levels.
Shawn Chow from Victoria School had English tuition from June in Secondary 2 and stopped in June Secondary 4 to concentrate on his other subjects. He improved from B4 to A2 over the period of coaching.
Bryan Lim is the best performing student in English I have coached over the past 10 years. From a B4 at Secondary 3, Bryan outperformed close to 400 peers at his Secondary 4 Prelim Exams, ranking 4th in level (99 percentile) and scoring A1 for English at O levels.
Kia Suan was averaging a B4 at Secondary 3 at Zhong Hua Secondary School and improved to A1 at O levels. over 1 and a half years.
C6 to A2 in 10 months
2012 Graduate – Chung Cheng High School – Zheng Yurong
Yurong obtained an A2 after 10 months of tuition. She was previously scoring a C6 at her Sec 3 SA2 exams prior to commencing tuition in January in 2012. She is now studying at Hwa Chong Junior College at the time of posting. I am happy that she will most likely be a scholar contributing to society in whatever role she takes on in future
C6 to B3 in 7months
2012 Graduate-St Nicholas Girls’ School-Cai Wendi
Wendi came to Singapore from China in her primary school days. She scored a C6 overall for English in her Sec 3 exams and began tuition in March 2012. She obtained a B3 for her O levels and went on to a junior college


*Does not teach Indian/Malay students*

ID TR3466 . Ericia edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR3466 Ericia Mobile Phone: 97441758 Age: 40
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: Not given
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 18 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 6/2/1985 Home Phone: Email: 614test@tutorcity
NRIC number: Not given Occupation: Region: Central,East,West,South,North,North East,North West

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Chinese,Maths
Primary- English,Chinese,Maths,Science
Level Results School Attended
Degree Degree in Accountancy, 1980 SIM


Updated on 5/3/2018

1) Currently with 20 tutees mostly in Primary level and 3 in secondary level. Teaches EMSC for primary levels and upper sec POA.
