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I need a tutor with the following criterias:

Gender Preference:
Race Preference: Any
Tutor Category: All
Poly Student
Part-Time Tutor
Full-Time Tutor
NIE Trainee
Current Teacher
Area: All
Age Range: Min Age Max Age

ID TR9304 . Nurliana Binte Supaat edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9304 Nurliana Binte Supaat Mobile Phone: 96901724 Age: 41
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: Jurong West Avenue 5
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: #03-148
Race: Malay Year of Experience: 13 Postal Code: 640723
Date of Birth: 12/24/1984 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S8441477H Occupation: Region: Central,West,North West

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 20
Primary 4-6 - 25
Primary- English,Maths,Science
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - B, Maths - B, Science - Dist, Phonics - B, Xingnan Primary School
Degree Bachelors Degree in Accounting and Finance, 2009, Accounting and Finance, Second Upper Class Honours None


I have been tutoring for 3 years since year 2011. I started off as a relief tutor in Mendaki for a year teaching both lower and Upper Primary for English and Maths.
From there, I moved on to give a 1 to 1 home tuition ranges from lower Primary to Upper Secondary (Normal Technical Stream).
Currently, I am tutoring a Primary 4 and Primary 6 (foundation), started the assignment in the first quarter of the year.
After teaching the primary 4 boy, his Maths Grades improved from a Band 4 to a Band 2. His Math teacher commended him for his improvement in his Maths.
Likewise for the Primary 6 boy, he has shown improvement by moving up from Grade U to grade 4.
I am committed to give my best to my students, guiding them to attain the results they aimed for.


I can start asap.
I am available on Weekdays from 7.30pm onwards.

View Cert 1

View Cert 2

View Cert 3

ID TR9303 . Chiong Winston edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9303 Chiong Winston Mobile Phone: 84980307 Age: 34
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: Hougang Ave 10
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 530420
Date of Birth: 6/5/1991 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S9118918F Occupation: Region: North East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - $20
Primary 4-6 - $25
Primary- English,Maths,Science
Special Skills- Group Tuition
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A, Phonics - A*, Punggol Primary School


I've tutored Primary 5 and 6 students in English, Maths and Science. Within just 6 months, 1 of my students managed to become 1 of the top in their cohort for Maths.

My specialties are as follows:
Maths: Comfortable at all Primary education levels for any topic.
English: Most comfortable with coaching comprehension and composition skills.
Science: Generally comfortable with most topics. Not as comfortable as with Maths.


I am available on any days of the week in the evening. Any changes will be highlighted here, and personally to all clients.

I would prefer 1 to 1 coaching to maximize my focus with your child. However, if they prefer to study in groups or with friends, arrangement could be made. There will be no change in rates for teaching in group.

Each session will last 2 hours. In the event of multiple subjects tuition, I will tutor your child based upon their strengths & weaknesses in each subjects, and may tend to focus on just 1 subject per session.

In the event of multiple subjects for group tuition, it would be in your child's best interest for everyone to focus on the same subjects. However, on a case to case basis, I may coach them on different subjects as required by each child.

I understand that each session will not be the same, and I will provide the highest quality possible by me at all sessions.

In the event of emergency or medical reasons, I will personally inform you through phone as soon as time allows me.

ID TR9302 . Kogila Durai edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9302 Kogila Durai Mobile Phone: 84820407 Age: 49
Status ACTIVE Category: Ex-Teacher Street: Yishun St 61
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: 03-283
Race: Indian Year of Experience: 25 Postal Code: 123456
Date of Birth: 8/22/1976 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S7670027C Occupation: Region: North

Rates Subjects
Primary 4-6 - $50
Primary- English,Maths,Science
Level Results School Attended


Updated on 20/1/2016
*Credentials verified*
(In 2016, have 8-9 students ranging from p3 to p6, teaching EMS.)
I have 15 yrs of teaching experience.
I am an NIE-trained teacher and taught Upper Primary English, Maths and Science in Huamin Primary School until 2011.
Currently giving home tuition full-time.


ID TR9301 . Alvin Seow Jing He edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9301 Alvin Seow Jing He Mobile Phone: 94234128 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: yishun central 1
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 12 Postal Code: 760935
Date of Birth: 6/1/1990 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s9020851I Occupation: Region: North

Rates Subjects
Primary- Maths
O level- L. Sec Maths,E Maths,A Maths,Accounting
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Peiying Primary School
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2009  H1 Econs - B,H2 Phy - C,H2 Maths - B,H2 Chem - C,GP - SGeneral Paper - YJC, AO Chinese - 2009, None


I have been teaching for 2 years for Pri and Sec subjects.


ID TR9299 . Alizulakha edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9299 Alizulakha Mobile Phone: 83211495 Age: 41
Status ACTIVE Category: Part-Time Tutor Street: DORSET ROAD
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Indian Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 211048
Date of Birth: 5/14/1984 Home Phone: 62997487 Email:
NRIC number: S8414548C Occupation: Region: Central,North East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- Creative Writing
Primary- Science,Creative Writing
O level- E Maths,Physics/Chem,Geography,Geo/S.Studies
Diploma / Degree- Biological Science
Level Results School Attended
Degree Nursing, 2009, Nursing, Degree in Nursing None


I have previously taught my cousins in primary school. Subjects taught includes tamil, maths and science. My cousins scored a pretty decent grades such as A for science, B for mahs and A for tamil.
I have also taught my classmates in nursing, Biology and they have scored B for biology.


I can start asap.