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I need a tutor with the following criterias:

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Race Preference: Any
Tutor Category: All
Poly Student
Part-Time Tutor
Full-Time Tutor
NIE Trainee
Current Teacher
Area: All
Age Range: Min Age Max Age

View Cert 1

ID TR9774 . chong yoke theng jessica edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9774 chong yoke theng jessica Mobile Phone: 82867290 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Poly Student Street: jurong east st 21
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 13 Postal Code: 600212
Date of Birth: 12/29/1990 Home Phone: 65624547 Email:
NRIC number: s9050706j Occupation: Region: West

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 15-25
Primary 4-6 - 25-30
Secondary 1-2 - 30-40
Secondary 3-4 - 40-50
Others - 40-50
Pre-school- Chinese
Primary- Chinese,Higher Chinese
O level- Chinese
Language- Chinese
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Malay - 1, jurong west primary


i have three years experience in teaching primary school and pre school kids and a secondary 3 kid.primary schools students scored highest 90 for the end of year chinese when she always hit 60 only,and the pre school kid was able to write chinese numbers n basic conversation after teaching her for one year


i can start asap as if the time and days is allowed.i can be a long term tutor even if i graduate

View Cert 1

ID TR9773 . Jamaliah binte Kamarudin edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9773 Jamaliah binte Kamarudin Mobile Phone: 98628149 Age: 41
Status ACTIVE Category: Ex-Teacher Street: Tampines Street 45
Gender: Female Qualifications: Degree Unit:
Race: Malay Year of Experience: 17 Postal Code: 521498
Date of Birth: 11/18/1984 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S8439251J Occupation: Region: Central,East,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - NA
Primary 4-6 - NA
Secondary 1-2 - $60-$70
Secondary 3-4 - $70-$80
JC1 - $90-$100
JC2 - $100-$110
O level- English,Chemistry
A level- General Paper,Chemistry
IB / IGCSE- Chemistry
Level Results School Attended
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2002  GP - A1,Chem - B JJC
Degree Bachelor of Science with Merit (Chemistry), 2006 None


Updated on 9/10/2017
1) Now a full time tutor. Currently with 5 tutees.
- 3 JC chem
- 2 Sec Chem
2) Previously taught H1 & H2 Chem at Millenia Institute (2005-2015).
3) More then 10 yrs tutoring experience in O, A, IP and IB syllabus.
4) NUS grad with bachelor of science in Chem. NIE trained with PGDE (Sec/JC) & Master in science of education.
NIE-trained in the teaching of Chemistry at Secondary/JC level with 7 years of formal teaching experience in H1 and H2 Chemistry.
Attained Master's degree in Science Education at NIE and equipped with knowledge on the effective teaching and learning of Science.
A committed tutor who provides effective, efficient & structured teaching which promotes independent learning and is passionate about instilling responsibility and resilience in every student towards their life goals and aspirations.
I have been teaching Chemistry in Millenia Institute for 7 years and I am now on no-pay leave til Dec 2014. I will be posted to another JC in 2015.


Available immediately.

ID TR9772 . Elena Lau edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9772 Elena Lau Mobile Phone: 97335168 Age: 45
Status ACTIVE Category: Ex-Teacher Street: Cassia Crescent
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit: 15-04
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 16 Postal Code: 391030
Date of Birth: 9/4/1980 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S8026854H Occupation: Tutor Region: East

Rates Subjects
O level- L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Physics/Chem
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A*, Phonics - A, Haig Girls School
A Level Year Taken A Level - 1998  Chem - A,Maths C - A,Physics - AGeneral Paper - TJC, AO Chinese - 1998, None
Degree Honours in E.engr, 2002 None


I was teaching O level classes in Manjusri Secondary School.
I am tutoring fulltime and current students are Sec 3-4 level, from ACS, AHS, CCHS, St Margaret's, and two from ACS and TKT.
O level : English - B 3 , Chinese - A1 , E Maths - A2 , A Maths - A1 , Physics - A2 , Chemistry - A2 , Geo - A 2
A level : Chem - A , Maths C - A , Physics - A
Degree : School : NUS , Course Attended : Honours in E.engr


ID TR9771 . Tan Jia Xin Marilyn edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9771 Tan Jia Xin Marilyn Mobile Phone: 98422022 Age: 29
Status ACTIVE Category: Poly Student Street: Tampines st 45
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 523491
Date of Birth: 11/12/1996 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S9640806D Occupation: Region: Central,East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - $15-$20
Primary 4-6 - $20-$23
Secondary 1-2 - $22-$25
Secondary 3-4 - $25-$30
Pre-school- English,Maths,Creative Writing
Primary- English,Maths,Science,Creative Writing
O level- L. Sec Science,Biology,History,Social Studies,Hist/S.Studies
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - B, Malay - A, Maths - B, Phonics - B, Tampines North Primary


I have a year of experience teaching two primary school students English, Maths and Science.
Students are taught at a suitable pace where they can both keep up with their school work as well as learning proficiently.


I will be able to start from November after I've gotten my school schedule, till further changes in my timetable.

View Cert 1

View Cert 2

View Cert 3

ID TR9770 . Peh Song Wee Jonathan edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9770 Peh Song Wee Jonathan Mobile Phone: 91784120 Age: 37
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: Ang Mo Kio Ave 4
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit: #08-1033
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 14 Postal Code: 560616
Date of Birth: 4/28/1988 Home Phone: 64547749 Email:
NRIC number: S8814765J Occupation: Research Engineer Region: Central,North,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - $25
Primary 4-6 - $30
Secondary 1-2 - $35
Secondary 3-4 - $40
JC1 - $45- $49
JC2 - $50 - $55
Pre-school- Maths
Primary- Maths,Science
O level- E Maths,A Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Physics/Chem
A level- Maths
IB / IGCSE- Mathematics
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A, Phonics - A*, Anderson Primary School
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2005  GP - B4,Chem - A,Maths C - A,F Maths - A,Physics - AGeneral Paper - TJC, AO Chinese - 2005, None
Degree Aerospace Engineering, 2013, First Class Honours, 4.58 None


I believe that every student has a potential to excel in their final exams under proper guidance. Many students memorise the working steps without understand the true meaning of it, let alone their applications. Education is not all about memorising and throwing the formulas into the exams. It is about grasping the fundamental concepts and learning how to apply it when being tasked with challenging questions. However, some students may be weaker at relating to these fundamentals concepts and applications, therefore my aim is to guide them in doing so.
I have been tutoring since 2009 and have around 4 years of teaching experience. Having taken 11 students so far, I am proud to say that many of them have shown significant improvements in their exam results. Initially, they started with mediocre results but they gradually improved as time passes. For example, I had a Primary 6 student was was averaging 40 marks for both his Maths and Science paper. However, he showed a leaped improvement by scoring 63 marks for both papers during his prelims. Another Secondary 4 student had beeing scoring around 60 marks for his A Maths and Chemistry while he was in Secondary 3. Subsequently, he excelled in his school prelims by scoring 72 marks for his Chemistry and 85 marks for his A Maths.
A tutor serves as a guidance for the students during the course of study. It is important that there is a close cooperation between the tutor and parents so that they will be updated on their children's progress. Students themselves have to revise what has been taught to them on a regular basis and instill the discipline within themselves. Otherwise, the tutor's teachings will go down the drain.


I am currently working as a Research Engineer. Though I am busy with work during office hours, I am available for teaching after office hours and during the weekends. So rest assure that I will still be able to provide quality lessons for your children.