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Race Preference: Any
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Poly Student
Part-Time Tutor
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NIE Trainee
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ID TR9427 . Foong Ying Luan Alex edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9427 Foong Ying Luan Alex Mobile Phone: 91891300 Age: 61
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: Hougang Central
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 20 Postal Code: 530852
Date of Birth: 7/2/1964 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S1673509D Occupation: Region: Central,East,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary- Maths
O level- E Maths,A Maths
Level Results School Attended
Degree B.S Aeronautical Engineering, 1992, 2.7/4.0 None


I started out full time tuition at Bradell Heights Zone 'E' RC and at several other CCs during the mid-1990s. After eight years, I continued on providing 1-on-1 private home tuition. I have been doing that ever since.
I have begun to create more interactive exercises for the primary level students so they can have more practices on actual exam questions. The website is a work in progress and I have gotten some pretty good response from users. I just hope that it is useful to all who visit. I am contactable with all my students after tuition time. Most would WhatApps me with questions from school homework or exam questions they have problems with and I'll WhatApps them back with a solution asap.


I already have a number of students under my care at the moment and I am recruiting more students for this year and beyond. I will be available from Mondays to Sundays until the end of the academic year. Then I'll be going on a 10-day family vacation. I normal start again in December to prep my students for the next academic year.

ID TR9426 . Kashminder Singh Mohan edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9426 Kashminder Singh Mohan Mobile Phone: 91819810 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Mount Faber View
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Punjabi Year of Experience: 11 Postal Code: 090014
Date of Birth: 2/20/1990 Home Phone: 64727479 Email:
NRIC number: S9005870C Occupation: Region: Central,East,West,South,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary- English,Maths
O level- English,L. Sec Maths,E Maths
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A1, Maths - A1, Phonics - A2, Gan eng seng primary school
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2009  H1 Econs - A,H2 Phy - A,H2 Maths - A,H2 Chem - B,GP - BGeneral Paper - PJC, AO Chinese - 2009, None



ID TR9425 . Usha Venkatramaiah edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9425 Usha Venkatramaiah Mobile Phone: 94595067 Age: 62
Status ACTIVE Category: Current Teacher Street: Bishan street 22
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Indian Year of Experience: 20 Postal Code: 570251
Date of Birth: 1/1/1963 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: S2554486B Occupation: Region: Central,North East

Rates Subjects
Pre-school- English,Maths,Creative Writing,Phonics
Language- English
Special Skills- Integrated Programme,Group Tuition
Level Results School Attended
Degree Bachelors in Early Childhood Education, 2011 None


I am an early childhood educator specialized in Montessori method of education. I have 13 years of experience in this field. From my experience, I can vouch that Montessori Maths and Language exercises prepares the child for Primary education. It lays the basic foundation for Language and Mathematics. So children who need this basic foundation can benefit from this one-on-one coaching!
Currently I am teaching in enrichment classes on Saturdays.


View Cert 1

View Cert 2

View Cert 3

ID TR9424 . Nicholas Chan Chee Kiat edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9424 Nicholas Chan Chee Kiat Mobile Phone: 96788698 Age: 32
Status ACTIVE Category: Undergrad Street: Westwood Avenue
Gender: Male Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 12 Postal Code: 648363
Date of Birth: 12/11/1993 Home Phone: 67908492 Email:
NRIC number: S9346384F Occupation: Region: West

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 20
Primary 4-6 - 25
Secondary 1-2 - 30
Primary- Maths,Science
O level- L. Sec Maths,L. Sec Science,E Maths,A Maths,Physics,Chemistry
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - A, Malay - A, Maths - A, Phonics - A star, Bendemeer Secondary School
A Level Year Taken A Level - 2011  H1 Econs - A,H1 Chi Studies - B,H2 Phy - B,H2 Maths - A,H2 Chem - B,GP - BGeneral Paper - JJC, AO Chinese - 2011, None


I have volunteered as a student tutor when I was studying in JJC. I taught sec 3 students from Hong Kah Sec Sch on a weekly basis. Also, my school has a firefly program where primary school kids from the neighborhood can come to my school for free tuition every Friday. I am a member of that program as well. Hence, I have experience teaching primary to secondary school level students.
I am currently teaching math for a Sec 1 female student as well. Her grades were below the passing mark but now, she's getting As on her papers after 3 months.


I can start asap. My university courses start next year August, but even then, I think we could possibly work something out so that I can teach while studying. So for now, I can teach anytime after 5pm every weekday except Wednesday, and some slots during weekends.

ID TR9423 . ong eileen edit    STATUS: ACTIVE

TR9423 ong eileen Mobile Phone: 90182628 Age: 35
Status ACTIVE Category: Full-Time Tutor Street: dorset road
Gender: Female Qualifications: A Level Unit:
Race: Chinese Year of Experience: 15 Postal Code: 210050
Date of Birth: 12/27/1990 Home Phone: Email:
NRIC number: s9049903c Occupation: Region: Central,South,North,North East

Rates Subjects
Primary 1-3 - 30
Primary 4-6 - 35
Pre-school- English,Chinese,Maths
Primary- English,Chinese,Maths,Science,Higher Chinese
Language- English,Chinese
Level Results School Attended
PSLE Chinese - b, Malay - a, Maths - a, Phonics - a, st margarets primary

